In the 1900’s Canada was facing many changes in their economy, these changes lead the way to Canada’s modernity. Most importantly this lead to changes of how women where viewed, and how women viewed themselves. With growing consumerism women became a sexual figure for both commercialization in everyday entertainment. From the commercialization came an expectation of what a stereotypical women should be, and what her role was. As male where “identified [with] leading male characters” this was especially seen in what activities the males took part in such as “fighting, shooting ridding horses”1. Females on the other hand where expected to be focused on household duties, and romance. Although commercialization caused an expectation in women’s “physical/cultural/social expectations” which when it is combined with film it creates the “image of women in popular culture”2, it also lead to a “society’s changing attitudes towards women”2. This was attributed in how women where seen in animation and the fact that “over 50 women who produce or are involved in making of animated films or sequences”2 so this caused less of a chance that women would be stereo typed. In animation women where able to be something more then just sexual figure for instance in Betty Boop although she was still sexualized she was the “first prominent female cartoon character” which was a big change from women characters being surrounded by men and not playing a center role. Along with the appearance of Betty Boop you begin to see women in animations being portrayed as doing something more then just the typical household duties Betty Boop herself did things such as she “runs for president,3 she owns a company, and[..Has a life outside of the house]”3 So although women at the beginning of the century and close to the end was seen as a sexual figure in consumerism, females where also able to gain a foot hold for them to be viewed differently then a household figure.

Journey through the Galaxy by Sergei Golyshev