The time of the depression was an era of great struggles and adversity, as many families struggled to get by at all cost. This struggle caused a change in how society was run and began a new focus around both the middle class and the working family. Many facilities and businesses focused around the family, as clubs where made and adapted to the consumption and need for consumption from the family for entertainment. Although these clubs faced hard times and required fee’s in ordered to stay afloat in the depression. The clubs where meant for males and not females, but since the depression led to such hard time women where becoming able to become members of such clubs.1 This lead to a social change of the focus on women, instead of the men in the home. Since women became the key focus of consumerism such things as radio shows and commercials where focused at times when the women of the house would most likely be listening to them.2 The radio shows would have cooking tips and medical tips for the women at home since they where seen as the prime nurses of the home.
Women became key figure heads in the depression not just in consumerism but also in health and the well being of the children more then usual, but with this also came the important of religion and the roles which women played in them As women in churches where used to a tradition of living together as a collective groups, they where able to work together and focus on their goals to help those in need.3 Women in general focused on helping who they could as well since women in both the working force and religious groups where paid far less then their male counterparts.3 With the hit of depression to many women wages dropped and became even less important as the wages began to waist away to nothing, this made many women change their focus to volunteering to help out as much as they could.3 Along with the wage drops came the new flourish of clubs especially meant for women which focused of education and social interests of their members.4 These clubs promoted the togetherness of women and how they should support and stand together, as the members worked to ease each other with emotional support.4
With the help of women although it has been obscured over the years by male supremacy woman where able to support not only their families but also each other and eventually plow through the hardship of the depression.

Journey through the Galaxy by Sergei Golyshev