Through out the years Canadian health care improved, but even though health care improved the feelings towards the natives did not. The native population was segregated into residential school that where dirty and unsanitary. The expectation was that the natives would die off but instead their population grew bigger, and with that illness spread throughout the population.1 With the reports of tuberculosis rising, so too was the fear of it spreading.2 This lead to many of the residential being turned into hospitals, so that they could continue to seclude the natives population.1 Some reserves even became hospital zones for the native population so that they could limit how often the native population could come off their reserves.1 Even with surveys showing how much the population was suffering from poor health, for not only the natives but immigrants as well they where often ignored.2 The native population was seen as nothing more then a problem to be banished away and hopefully it would just go away. Even when the native bands contributed for paying for hospitals they where still turned away or placed in areas they deemed meant especially for them .1 They where forced into basements, particular wings, or even a different buildings all together in order for the hospitals to preserve the white population. 1 It even came down to the point where they had natives nurses especially trained to work in the hospitals on native people as they wanted to keep the natives from mingling with the white population as much as possible.3 The native population was not welcomed as a citizen of Canada which was clearly seen in how much work they put into separating them from the white population.

Journey through the Galaxy by Sergei Golyshev